PROJECTS All ()BIM ()Electrical ()GIS ()Telecom ()BIM-TR ()CBS ()Elektrik ()Telekom ()BIMALMELO COURTHOUSE, NetherlandsBIMLeas Pavilion Folkstone, EnglandGISProRail Railway Solutions,The NetherlandsGISTenneT High Voltage Stations Metadata ManagementBIMDSM Headquarter, MaastrichtTelecomFTTH Solutions, Germany and The NetherlandsBIMUrban Interactive District, AmsterdamBIMClubhouse Boompjes, RotterdamBIMWonderwoods, UtrechtElectricalNorthC Data Center, EindhovenElectricalRailway Power Control BuildingsElectricalLorentz K5 Phase 2, LeidenBIMHousing Projects in the NetherlandsBIMGRAND VISION OPTIC STORES PROJECTElectricalJohnson te Leiden Fit outBIMZanzibar New Ferry TerminalBIMPeter Jun House Reverse Extension / Renovation, AmstelveenBIM, adana, bim, conceptual, municipality, project, seyhanConceptual City Projects, SeyhanBIMCement Production Facility Landscape Design, ErbilGIS3D Mapping Haighways, BelgiumGISCabling Network of Railways, NetherlandsGISDigitizing Brabant Water, NetherlandsBIMÇukurova University Buildings Scan and DrawingTelecomDeutsche Glasfaser Fiber Upgrades, GermanyGISSustainable Logistic Plan for Historic City Center, İzmirTelecomTELENET Upgrade of Coaxial Network,BelgiumGISSchipol Airport Point Cloud DrawingsGISBag-Bgt-WozGISMGCP ProjectsGISSignboards Detection and Evaluation, AmsterdamGISPedestarian Ramps Detection and Evaluation,New YorkGISProperties Cut Out Project, NetherlandsGISEuropen Inventory Collection ProjectsElectricalRENSEC on 110, 150, 220, 380kV High Voltage Stations RenovationElectricalSouth Africa HA ProjectElectricalUpgrade of Traction Power GVBElectricalCNS Modular BuildingElectricalIncirlik, Adana Fire Station UpgradeElectricalDen Helder Port Shore Power ProjectsElectricalAssa North Power Plant, NigeriaBIMNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)BIMAdana OPTIMUM Shopping MallBIMBIM Modelling ALBERT HEIJN Chain Shopping CentersBIMBIM Modelling LIDL Chain Shopping CentersBIMKuwait Airport Lod 300 to 500 Roof ModdellingBIMAmsterdam Medical Center E&M InstallationGISCrowd ManagementGIS3D Mapping A10 Highway ,NetherlandsElectricalDraw-Bridge Remote Control CenterBIMStreet Rehabilitation in YuregirBIMG4 Nest Apartment Complex S-MEP Engineering